A fluffed out male Superb Bird of Paradise courts a female.
Sexual Dimorphism is the term that describes species of animal in which the male and female have a difference in form and/or appearance. Not all species have differences between male and female. Let's have a look at some animals that display this dimorphism, in various modes.
1. Orange Barred Sulphur (Phoebus philea) - Color and Markings

The male Orange barred with bright yellow background and orange markings.

The female has several brown/black spots and no orange marks on the forewing.

A male feeds on a Turk's Cap. The Orange-barred are found from the Southern United States to South America.
2. Yellow & Black Garden Spider (Argiopes aurantia) - Markings, Color, and Size

The female Argiopes is larger and more brightly colored. Animals that lay eggs, where the males do not combat for female or territory, often have much larger females.

The male is smaller and much more drably colored.

Only the females make a web, and the males hang around waiting for chances to steal food and mate with the female. This is wide ranging spider found through out North America and Europe.
* While we associate males with greater size and strength, this is not the case with many animals. Females achieve larger size amongst most varieties of hawks, frogs, turtles, snakes, and spiders.
3. Golden Toads EXTINCT (Bufo periglenes) - Size and Coloration/Markings

The smaller bright orange male mounts/amplexes the yellow black and red mottled female. Species in which the male must attract the female often have more brightly or elaborately colored males.

Golden Toads were found in the cloud forests of Costa Rica, they were last seen in 1989.
4. Eastern Collared Lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) - Color and Markings

The male is more brightly colored, and slightly larger with a more robust head.

A view of the male in breeding season.

The colors also intensify when in direct sun light. Found in the central United States.
6. Scarlet Tanager (Piranga rubra) - Color and Markings

The brightly colored male.

The female has more subdued colors. Scarlets nest in the Eastern U.S. and migrate to Central America for the winter.
7. American Bison (Bison bison) - Size and coloration

A view of the smaller all brown female nuzzling the larger male, who has shaggier black face and head fur. Prairie areas of North America.

Males also have larger horns. Animals whose males fight over females and territory, have larger males. Horned animals usually have males with larger horns, and most animals with antlers have females with no antlers at all.
8. Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) - Size and Coloration

The larger and stronger male has more brightly colored facial, rump and genital markings. Males also have considerably larger canine teeth, for fighting and defense.
The smaller and less brightly colored female is on the right.

Here we see a female with 2 young. Mandrills are baboons that live in the rain forests of Western Africa.